My details are:
- Fee is inclusive of entrance into exhibit halls worth RM15.00!
- Conference Fees Full Day RM50.00
- Half Day RM30.00
Note: Fees are inclusive of 5% GST in accordance with local regulations
- Registration is valid only when payment have been made in full
- Admittance will only be permitted upon receipt of full payment
- Payment made is non-refundable but transferable to another attendee
Please make crossed cheque payable to Trade-Link Exhibition Services Sdn.
Bhd. and send your payment together with this completed form to:
Jireh Consult Sdn Bhd,
Suite E-7-13, 7th Floor,
Block E, Plaza Mont' Kiara,
No. 2 Jalan 1/70C, Mont'Kiara,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
